A professional blog writer composes content for publication on a blog or website. At Identiwrite, our blog writers don’t just belly up to the laptop and pump out a few paragraphs. We write SEO blogs for dentists, based on keyword and traffic research that we evaluate month over month. The goal for our clients is to attract new patients to a practice website through Google Search then to prompt the reader to schedule an appointment.
To learn more about dental blogs, call Identiwrite at 972-679-6885 today!
What goes into blogging for dental practices?
Before a blog writer receives an assignment, other team members must complete few key tasks.
The Identiwrite blog writing process is a collaboration between our SEO expert, copy director, and blog writer.
First, through an interview with the dentist, we learn which services he or she offers, who the target market is, and which local dental practices are in direct competition. This information fuels our ability to customize content for the practice, the potential patient, and Google Search robots (bots).
Next, our SEO expert conducts keyword research based on the dental practice’s location, target market, and top services. (I define top services as those that yield high revenue, as well as those the dentist likes to perform.) He creates a list of keywords for the practice’s editorial calendar.
The editorial calendar provides blog writers with keywords for each post. At this point in the process, our copy director makes assignments for our blog writers.
Once these preparations are finished, the writer can begin composing blog posts. Here are the steps our blog writers take:
- Find keywords in the editorial calendar
- Review the practice website to re-familiarize with services
- Review the dentist’s interview to re-familiarize with the target audience and SEO goals
- Research the keyword/topic by exploring articles, blogs, and information online
- Compose a blog of 500 or more words, integrating the keyword in specific areas as per our strategy guidelines
- Edit, spell check, and add links – we employ a strategic interlinking tactic to enhance SEO
- Check headings, subheadings, and calls to action for proper keyword integration
- Compose a meta description that summarizes the content in 155 words
- Select an image from our paid subscription service and compose the Alt-image tag for SEO
- Re-read the blog and do the final tweaking
- Publish the blog, meta description, and image with the Alt-image tag
- Share the blog post on the dental practice’s social media profiles
- Log the blog title and published link into the editorial calendar
What happens after blogs are written and published?
Google indexes blogs faster than webpages, so within 24 hours we usually see a blog appear in search engine results, though not always on page one. Over time and as visits increase to the blog post, it can move closer to page one, position one in Google Search results. We use Google Search Console (formerly Analytics) to track website traffic for specific terms.
Each month, our SEO expert runs reports to evaluate traffic changes month over month and sends the report to our clients. He also reviews the editorial calendar’s keywords and makes strategic changes based on the reports. For instance, an implant dentist who doesn’t show up in search results for dental implants may need a four-part blog focused solely on implants. (Adding more website pages on the topic can provide an additional boost.)
Can a dentist request blogs on a certain topic?
Yes, always! Send us your original photos to use, as well! We welcome blog topic requests because they help us customize content for the practice. Clients simply send us an email request, and we alter the editorial calendar accordingly. Our SEO expert can find keywords for any blog topic.
With the introduction of content-writing AI like ChatGPT, can dentists compose blogs?
Yes, of course. It’s important to understand that ChatGPT and similar AI services do not optimize content for search. Furthermore, Chat GPT content can appear on multiple websites, so it’s not unique. Google ranks original (unique) content with greater priority than duplicate content. Another consideration is that the content produced by AI is pulled from online resources, and there’s no fact-checking.
Blogs written by AI are not unique, not optimized for search, and not fact-checked. Dentists should send AI-generated blogs to Identiwrite for rewording, optimizing, and fact-checking. We are happy to work with dentists who enjoy using AI.
Where does a dentist find a blog writer?
Identiwrite has a talented, educated, US-based team of copywriters at your service. Call Riese at 972-679-6885 to learn more about how blogging boosts SEO and online visibility for dental practices. Ask about our SEO Power Blogs, a great addition to any online marketing plan.