It’s not rocket science, but composing a good bio is important. The about us page on a website is the second most visited page after the homepage.
Before we get to the writing formula for a bio, I want you to know that you can create your website’s about page however you like. It may have just you. It may have you and your associates. Maybe you prefer a team photo and no individual bios — that’s okay. Some doctors want each team member highlighted individually, and that’s okay, too. You might group hygienists, assistants, and front office personnel, then give a description of what each job entails. Now to the bios.
Doctor Biography
You can start with Dr. First Last or First Last, DDS in bold, above the body text. Then, the first paragraph should go over your education in about three or four sentences. Any special awards during school, military service, and internships go here. Second paragraph should feature the history of the practice and your focus (families, implants, cosmetic, etc.). You can include associations and continuing education here. Bullet points are great. In the last paragraph, give a little insight about yourself, personally. For instance, your marital status, whether you have kids, and what you do to relax.
A good doctor bio runs three paragraphs. You can include a hyperlink to a pdf of your curriculum vitae.
Team Member Biography
Start with the team member’s name, then designation: First Last, RDH. Much like the doctor bio, the team member’s biography should begin with education, then go into years of experience, awards and associations, and continuing education. It’s acceptable to add a sentence or two about the employee’s personal life at the end. A team member bio should not be more than two brief paragraphs.