Content MarketingDental MarketingROI in MarketingSEO WritingSocial Media Marketing A Sure Hit for Getting More New Patients In the last two blogs of this series, 100 Stats to Help Market Your Practice…IdentiwriteApril 26, 2016
ROI in MarketingSocial Media Marketing The Big Marketing Round Up: Tracking, Analytics, and ROI Internet marketing has been around for a few decades now, and while experts believe that…IdentiwriteApril 26, 2016
Blog WritingContent MarketingDental Office MarketingSEOSocial Media Marketing Complete Dental Marketing Plan If you're wondering what a comprehensive online dental marketing strategy looks like, here's an example.…IdentiwriteSeptember 10, 2015
SEOSocial Media Marketing Changes with Google Authorship As with most Google products, however, Authorship is changing. Dentists need to know what to…IdentiwriteJuly 29, 2014
Content MarketingDental Office MarketingSocial Media Marketing Blogs vs Social Media Marketing for Dentists Content marketing, what's the big deal, right? When it comes to getting your dental practice…IdentiwriteJuly 25, 2014
Social Media Marketing Facebook Likes Does your dental practice’s Facebook page need more likes? Once you hit 100 likes, you…IdentiwriteJuly 17, 2014