You’ve completed nearly a decade of school, perhaps more. Then there was the residency. In…
IdentiwriteSeptember 19, 2016
You'll only acquire new dental patients from your website if your website can be found. A…
IdentiwriteJuly 12, 2016
According to experts, email marketing still works -- especially if you have an email list…
IdentiwriteMay 3, 2016
In the last two blogs of this series, 100 Stats to Help Market Your Practice…
IdentiwriteApril 29, 2016
In the last two blogs of this series, 100 Stats to Help Market Your Practice…
IdentiwriteApril 26, 2016
An article on, published yesterday, brings to light over 100 marketing statistics about online…
IdentiwriteApril 21, 2016
If you're wondering what a comprehensive online dental marketing strategy looks like, here's an example.…
IdentiwriteSeptember 10, 2015
You've heard it repeatedly: to rank high on Google, your website needs a blog. But,…
IdentiwriteMay 27, 2015